Island Summer CD

Island Summer CD
Flier by Brian Newport and Rob Payne

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

...acknowledge, acknowledge...

What is Island Summer?  An obvious question, but it is the the CD that is named after the live show, and not everyone knows that.
It started with Pos's idea to play Samoan songs with an orchestra of guitars.  "Imagine if you had a whole orchestra of guitars playing Lotanu'u.  Imagine what that would sound like!'.  That was in 2001, and he was in hospital beside his mother who'd had a serious accident.  She was in a coma.  There beside an old portable stereo were CDs and tapes piled up high of all her favourite music - gospel, Samoan hymns, country, ballads - there was a whole lot.  Pos had been playing 'Lotanu'u' and other songs to her, to let her know that he was there.

Tragically, Pos's mum Kupi Mavaega eventually passed away.   The idea of the guitar orchestra stayed with him until 3 years later this was realised in the form of 'Island Summer' -  orchestra and band, with dancers and actors.  Collaborating with Tanya to introduce a storyline and bring characters into the show, meant making Pacific Underground's first musical theatre piece.  This show is a dedication to the late Kupi Mavaega and Reverend Samoa Mavaega.

Andrew (Dru) Sione and Hemi Lesatele have been Pos's 'wingmen' on this show from the beginning.  Hemi and Pos came from the same church PIC in Christchurch.  Pos knew Hemi could handle this type of show, especially from Hemi's own history and skill with Samoan music.  Drew was a new young player who Pos met through the Tribalincs crew - Seta Timo, Arona Vaele, Mark Vanilau and Norman Vaele.  Pos was impressed by Andrew's playing of the guitar and with both the wingmen and bass player Seta Timo (and sometimes Ray FA'afetai Samuels who would travel all the way from Sydney) and Tanya on Vocals, the ensemble worked on Pos's arrangements starting with the traditonal Samoan songs.

Two of the hymns are classic Samoan favourites- Lotanu'u and Fa'afetai I Le Atua.  La'u Lupe is an older Samoan love song.  That song was first used by Pacific Underground in both productions of Oscar Kightley's play Dawn Raids first taught to the cast and band of the Auckland production by Ene Petaia, who had an acting role in the play.

Pos had kept the song in the repertoire of the Pacific Underground band and has since remained.  Other songs like Lovely Hula Girl - was an old favourite of Tanya's parents, and 'Better Than Change' is a song by Dallas Tamaira (Joe Dukie of Fat Freddy's Drop).  Dallas once had an acting role with Pacific Underground in Oscar Kightley and Erolia's play 'Romeo and Tusi'.  He released 'Better Than Change' in 2000, so Pos asked him to sing as a guest for the 2007 show of Island Summer, and then again sang it at Te Papa show at the opening festival of the 'Tangata O Le Moana' the Pacific exhibition there.

Original songs by Tanya and Pos are Song for Grandma (this is the second recording / version of this, the first being on Landmark), War Song and Island Summer (written while Andrew, Tanya and Pos were in Palau for the 9th Pacific Arts Festival).  Other traditional songs are the Samoan National Anthem, and Tofa My Feleni.

All these songs make up the Island Summer CD, and have a unique story as to why they were chosen for the recording and for the live show. But more importantly they are songs that signal events and a time when our parents who left their island home in Samoa to make a life here in Aotearoa, brought those songs with them, passing them on for us to pass on to our kids.

In 2004 and 2008 Pos, Tanya and Andrew travelled to the 9th and 10th Pacific Arts Festivals scaling down the full sound of a 30 piece group to 3 guitars and 3 vocals.  Being part of the NZ Delegation for both years meant that they were able to share this music from the show to the world, and along the way be part of NZ's most well-known and respected Maori and Pacific artists.  There were life-long friendships made from those trips too.

The live show toured to Dunedin and Wellington in 2006 and 2007.  The first of the two tours was Dunedin, and with the assistance of Freedom Roadworks and 'Koile we were able to recruit guitarists for the orchestra from there.  The same as Wellington with the assistance of Mishelle Muagututi'a  for the Tangata O LE Moana Exhibition Opening festival at Te Papa.  The wellington season was also filmed by Mishelle Muagututi'a,  director Ange Boyd and crew to make a documentary on the 'Island Summer' journey to date.

The making of the CD has been a milestone for Pos, Tanya and Pacific Underground.  Earlier this year Pos, Tanya, Dru and Hemi played at Pasifika Festival. That morning of the gig Dru told Tanya that both him and Hemi counted out that Island Summer had been performed 25 times since it's first show in 2005.  That's all versions, with the big orchestra to just three performers. 
Pasifika Festival would have been the 26th time, and then in Dunedin for Matariki  and 2 shows there 28th time,  the Dux for Pacific Roots South - without the wingmen but with Seta Timo and newcomer on guitar Talia-Rae Mavaega the 29th time, and then with Pos, Tanya and Talia-Rae in Wanaka for 'Festival of Colours' function would have been the 30th time. 

The release gig was held at Nga Hau E Wha National Marae in Aranui.  Its programme covered some of the Island Summer journey in celebration of the CD (including footage from the upcoming doco, never been seen before!),  so to acknowledge those who have been part of that journey, from Pos, Hemi, Chris Searle, Dru, Tanya -we say  - we love you and thank you.

They are: - 
Musicians - Seta Timo, Ray Fa'afetai Samuels, Pati Umaga, Al Lafatuana'i, Shane Asi, Mark Frew, Hemi Inia, Walter Lagatule, Steve Tafea, Norman Vaele, Grace Vanilau, Pati Umaga, Dallas Tamaira, Brent Thompson, Fuivai Fiso, Tevita Siolagapo, Poliko Samuga Vili,  Hiliako Iaheto, Jarni Blair, 'Koile, Zac Bishara, and guests Ardijah, Adeaze, Cydel and the Groovehouse, Siaosi Mulipola and Corinna Hunziker, Mata'ina Victoria Bell.  The christchurch , Dunedin and Wellington orchestras.
Actors - Ave Sua, Flo Lafai, Josephine Mavaega, 

Production - Barbara Carpenter, Flo Lafai, Siaosi Mulipola, Mishelle Muagututi'a, Makerita Urale, Ray Fa'afetai Samuels, Christine Mears, Sunia Feleti, Michael Laufiso, Freedom Roadworks, Laufiso / Ivala / Cassidy families, Guy Boyce, Ole Maiava, Dale Cotton, Rob Payne, Anton Carter, Marilyn Kohlhase,

18 Thursdays team - Pip Laufiso and  Hiliako Iaheto

 There are many more to thank, they are on the CD jacket.


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